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2003-06-30 - 11:17 p.m.


Yes, it's now officially Summer.

And yes, I'm now officially BORED OUT OF MY MIND!

So I'm here at my apartment for the summer. Good thing you'd think, right? Well, yes & no. While having the apartment certainly has its advantages, such as having my own place to just "get away," being able to have guys (or maybe just one!) over basically whenver I want, and oh, if you could only see our refridgerator right now you'd die!

But it also has its downside.

For one, I have to actually CLEAN! I'm talking about the hardcore cleaning, such as handwashing the dishes for lack of a dishwasher, dusting/vacuuming, and cleaning the dreaded bathroom. *gasp!* Secondly, since it's summer, no one's really up here at the moment. Sure, some people have moved in because they're taking summer classes, (which is the only reason I'm here right now) but it's not enough people to make much of a difference. Then, there's my roommates. No no, no problems with them, just the fact that they're NOT HERE, which only adds to my boredom. One isn't officially moving in until August, and the other will be in NYC all through July & 1/2 of August, most likely.

So that means that I have the whole place to myself, which kinda sux because I have to do the cleaning all by myself, (but then again, it will only be my own mess to clean instead of that of 3 people) and I really don't know how to cook for only 1 person very well. Plus, all the food I LOOOVE to make? Way too much for only 1 person to eat! I'd be having the same meal as lunch & dinner for at least 2 days, so as not to let the food go to waste.

But don't worry, there IS a remedy to all this. (Sorta)


Home's only 1/2 hour away, and my Ma already said that she's expecting me to be home every weekend. And sure, I probably will be for at least an afternoon or something to take advantage of some much needed pool-lounging time, but 1/2 of the point of me taking summer classes was so that I didn't have to stay at home all summer. But the upside is that I'll have a bigger variety of food to work with, and I don't have to worry about leftovers quite so much, since the other 3 people in the house will be there to eat.

Ok, enough of this...I've got homework to do.

Such is the life of a lonely summer-class college student... :-/



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